You were born picture perfect. From day one you were curious with your eyes wide open checking everything out. When your Mama & Abah got you home, you were so easy. So precious and rosy. And then you kept falling asleep while nursing and lost a bunch of weight. You kind of looked like a skeleton and you weren’t very cute. Sorry, but it was true just for a few weeks.
Then your Mama started giving you breast milk in a bottle, and then all of a sudden this happened. You got seriously chubby. And seriously cute again. I mean really tragically chubby and cute...!

Even though sometimes you throw a dandy of a tantrum…
Most of the time you’re a ton of fun.
I mean, you really crack everyone up...!
I mean, you really crack everyone up...!
Happy Birthday Dania...
...'Nerdy' theme cupcakes...
Dania... without cupcakes & muffins ... No way...!
untung nye jadi anak akak..leh makan cupcakes slalu...
Salam Mimi. Dania is my niece - daughter to my baby brother (Abg to Eqbal). Apa2 pun all of them are 'cookie monsters'..! ;p
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