...a successful cupcakes recipe...!
Yesterday I received request to bake cupcakes for children at the Cancer Ward HUKM for their 'fun-filled day' next coming Sunday, 17th Oct 2010. No problem - consider it done..! These cuppies will be donated to the Pediatric Oncology (Cancer) Ward HUKM.
I have some rough sketches in my head right now on how to decorate these special cuppies for these children affected by this devastating illness.
Have I met my goal yet..??
NO.... "My Little Cupcakes" isnt done.
Everyone out there...
Look for US if you need to raise fund for other children...!
...because... every child out there ...IS... 'MY LITTLE CUPCAKE...!
Unfortunately, due to some other baking commitments, I will not be able to be present that day (sob.. sob...), but I am thrilled to be part of this charity organised by:-
June Malik: http://www.june-anakmami.blogspot.com/,
and her gang: http://www.run-kooky-run.blogspot.com/
I urge everyone who read this blog to support this worthy cause.
thanks Nita for the unrelenting support !!!
June: My pleasure... anyway, keep up the good work..
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