Remember when everyone knew their neighbours?
Kids played hopscotch on the sidewalk and rode bikes every evening while parents sat on the front porch conversing @ gossiping with friends and sipping iced tea. It was normal to knock on your neighbour's door and ask to borrow a cup of sugar, or asking for 'daun pandan'. Yes, those were the days...
Neighbourhoods today seem to have lost that sense of community. Families huddle inside their houses, afraid to learn who lives next door. If you want your community to adopt a spirit of change, take action!
Thats what we, at Jalan Qamari U5/107B did...!
...our very own neighbourhood block @ the 'Jalan' get-together...! on Saturday 9th Oct 2010.
Yup... thats the name of our Jalan....
Just because you don't have a 'Jalan @ Street' or 'block' doesn't mean you can't have a get-together really just a gathering of neighbours.
Even if you live in an apartment complex, town home complex, or high rise condo, a get-together party is still a great way to meet and fellowship with your neighbours. You can plan to have the event at a local park or in the parking lot of your building. - No Excuse not to have one..!
It was terrific fun -a fun way to meet neighbours, build friendships, and develop a sense of belonging and security among residents. LOTS of food were served, we got to know our neighbours a little better and a good time was had by all.
they are fabulous fun...! Our famous 'Uncle Lai' (far right) ... made the effort to go to his neighbour's house just to borrow the 'Baju Melayu'
Well...a few we never heard from, but I figured this was a nice response. Our usual friends in the neighborhood came, as well as a bunch we knew nodingly, plus another dozen we had never met.

It was a potluck do... but special request from Mr Affendi (alamak ..!sorry FND, my daughter lupa nak snap photo you ..!) for me to bake cakes & cupcakes. So, I baked these little mini cupcakeswas as my contribution, one or two bites and they were gone.
Seriously though, it was good times...!
Again, thanks to all who attended, and to those of you who didn't, it was your loss...LoL ;)
But, bottom line....a GREAT time was had by all.
Turnout was spectacular.
Its a great opportunity fo all of us to get-together eventhough the Hari Raya just ended.
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