Congratulations to all the graduates of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak
As graduation season is approaching I am gratefully to bake these special cupcakes.
If you are thinking of a cute present for your love ones, friends, etc... cupcakes might be a good choice for those who love sweets.
If you are thinking of a cute present for your love ones, friends, etc... cupcakes might be a good choice for those who love sweets.
Trust me on this, I've searched the web for unique graduation cupcakes and these stand out of the crowd.

(thanks Sabariah for the order)

And this one... specially baked for my brother's close friend, EdY
Note: Above photo courtesy from my brother, Eqbal
I was in a rush 'tak sempat nak snap pic'...! Gambar ni pun my brother snapped masa dalam Auditorium Utama UIA...!
& Wishing you all the best in the future!
You've earned it, now have a cupcake with me won't you?
cupcakes yg ada topi tu mmg comel bangatla kaklang.nak makan pun sayang!
thanks kak lang...cupcakes tu comel bangat..sngt nak sbb lapar, habis jugak akhirnya...hehe
tak cukup 6 bijik...kalau tau hari tu nak order 1 box. hehe
EdY - tak pe, lain kali boleh order lagi ye..Order 1 bx, dpt 6 biji FOC.
EE - dah cakap dah... x cukup... Maymun sorang je.. 4 biji one go...!
comelnyer..baper hrga tu
Salam Mrs Jamal.
Prices on the right hand-side of the blog.
Let me know if you nak order ye... :p
wah..promotion ni...xboleh dilepaskan..hehe
EdY - thanks, so far alhamdullillah...
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