The last 10 days of Ramadhan are the best time to optimize and to step-up your 'amal ibadat'. But it is also the peak of all your cookie and cake projects. Orders usually come pouring in during this time and everything seems to move in a heightened speed. My kitchen has been puffing up smoke from its little oven, and it scares me sometimes to think that my dearest baking apparatus might decide not to slave itself anymore for this one month due to constant overuse.
I have yet to make ready preparations for Raya at my house. Cookie jars are still not visible on the dining table, perhaps there are not may cookies left to fill the decorative airtight containers. Nothing of raya could be seen or felt yet and I will tell you why in time to come. The only raya feeling that lingered was the fact that I prepared raya cookies and raya cakes and cupcakes for friends and customers everyday till the very end. I baked the night before. Cakes and cookies disappeared in no time at all, how I wished I could have baked more to cater to those who did'nt get to grab some.

So here I would like to extend my gratitude to those who have made their purchases of my wares. Thank you... thank you.. so much.
I would like to leave you with my other Selamat wishes this raya, wishes to be safe and stay safe.
Selamat memandu pulang...
Selamat bergembira...
Selamat berhari raya...
Selamat memanjangkan silaturrahim...
Selamat kembali bertugas...
Its alarming to learn the rate of accidents on the road, and I hope everyone would be extra alert and cautious whilst driving. Have a safe journey home folks...! I wish only the best of Aidil Fitri for you, and may you reach your destinations safe and sound to the warmth of your family's embrace.
Be safe on the road, enjoy indulging in the delicious delicacies you only get to savour during this festive season and rejoice with friends and family gathering to celebrate Aidilfitri with you.
Take care, take lots of pictures and take to heart the beautiful experience of "Balik Kampung".
Take care, take lots of pictures and take to heart the beautiful experience of "Balik Kampung".
Salam Aidil Fitri dan Maaf Zahir & Batin...
from "My Little Cupcakes"
selamat hari raya kak lang..raya kat gombak ke tahun ni??
Salam Aidil Fitri untuk EDY & family.
Raya ni we all semua beraya kat Gombak. Jemput datang ye..
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