Red Velvet has always been a mystery to me.
As a child, to me, 'a cake' always came in four flavors- White, Yellow, Chocolate, and Marble. Today it seems every time I turn around there is a new, hot cake flavor.
Red Velvet is so easy to bake and yet so 'fashionable'......and it has gained new found popularity with my customers eversince it has been posted onto my blog. Given this recipe uses red food colouring there is an inherent danger that your kitchen will look like a blood bath has occurred in it. This adds a little frisson to the whole baking experience....!
Thanks Major H...,
...who rang me all the way from Singapore for these cuppies to surprise his 'otherhalf'.
Note: If you haven't had it before Red Velvet is like yellow cake but with a little kiss on the cheek of chocolate. Deliciously festive, moist, flavourful and maybe a hint of playful tackiness.
K Lang, perut vee terus 'berzapin' nie...
Terus rasa lapar...
Nanti k/lang 'invent' resepi cupcakes lepas tu kita namakan 'V-Violet'.. :)
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