A deep resonant of Hari Raya songs often amplifies the Raya mood longed for this beautiful occasion. This is the occasion where most of us are captured in our pensive mode rather than a cheery one. I'm not exactly certain to how this emotion came about for the majority of us but it persists to stay come each Raya. Even our takbir carries this tone, unlike some I heard from other countries, they belt their takbir in a victorious manner. For me, it's that 'sayu' feeling of longing to go back, not just home but back to the days when we were kids.
Air condition car was a luxury in those days. Travelling with the screen down was the way to go. We loved the wind in our hair, well not all of us though. Sitting with one brother who was adamant on saving his hair from the vicious wind and also from the embarassment of unruly hair upon arrival, alwas left us perspiring more that we should... *LoL*. He kept the window on his side with a one-and-a-half inch opening and that was after much argument and tossing and turning. If he had it his way, he wanted it shut.! He wanted all windows shut, let rain or shine or fart or screams or shouts. We went berserk everytime we had him travelling with us in one car. But we survived the journey with extra body odour to boot.
I miss the times of packing the little that we had and drove back to Lenggeng, Negeri Sembilan, where my late grandmother stayed. Squeezing the seven of us at the back seat (no.. wait.... its five, the twins were on my mom's lap at the front) with three squirming brothers whose idea of pleasure was to see their sisters (me and my younger sister) wail with unrestful emotions was an adventure in themselves. The journey would commence with us fighting to have the seat next to the window. There were only two of those and there were five of us, at the back seat. It even started earlier, the night before, with us girls often 'choop-choop'-ing the seats first but to our brothers, our words did not match with their might. And needless to say, we lost to them aaallll the time..! Hate you guys..!

Ahhh.. I could just rant about the hey days folks, but I still have house to clean, cakes to bake and deliver and that 'sayu' mood to recapture. I have exactly the song to make me wobbly, shaky and tottery and you are listening to it right now....
Many thanks again.. Qarl, Ameer, Rina, V-Violet and Aminah.....
and again... for those who ordered..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri...
cupcakes!!!!! tq kak....heheheh...
thanks kak!
d cuppies taste good
Alhamdullillah... nanti order lagi ye... :P
Drive to KL safely.
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