Sunday, May 13, 2012

Salmon Fish Head Curry - My way...

Cooking curry fish head is easy and this is a very simple, tasty and healthy dish.  I do not use coconut milk in all my curries. I use plain yoghurt which makes a healthy meal. This curry is best eaten with Basmati Rice or Roti. It tastes better the next day.

...that head part is mine, mine and all mine...!
I like to use salmon fish head to cook curry because I like it loaded with lots of omega 3 fatty acids, which means it is oil-rich hence tasty, it also matches well with some vegetables to become one pot dish to serve the entire family.  I garnished with some chopped cilantro (daun ketumbar) only, but you can try with mint leaves - it really makes a significant difference! Its worth trying! .... go ahead...!

Ingredients A: 
2 pcs Salmon Fish Head
2 pcs of Salmon cut

Ingredients B:
I bulb yellow onion - diced
2 inch ginger - sliced thinly (Julianne)
2 cloves of garlic - chopped
3 tbspn Olive oil

Ingredients C:
1 pc cinnamon stick
3 pcs cloves
3 pcs cardamon
2 sprigs curry leaves
1 tspn  cumin - grounded

Ingredients D:
2 tbspn  Fish Curry Power (any brand will do, but I like Baba's)
1 tbspn Cili Boh
1/2 cup of water to mix into paste

Ingredients E:
3 cups water
2 tbsp plain yoghurt
Salt to taste
Optional: (I skipped this)
2 round egg plants - cut into quarter
2 tomatoes - cut into quarter

Fry (B) in 3 tablespoons of oil for about 1 min; or until onions become translucent.
Add (C) and continue frying until fragrance.
Add (D) and stir well over low flame until fragrance
Add (E) stir well and add fish and egg plants (if using) - cook for 5 mins or until eggplants are soft.  Add tomatoes and cover for 2 mins.  
Check  seasoning, add cilantro and Curry is and ready to be served.


1 comment:

Lily Arbee said...

Hi Nita,

Curry Fish Head is surely delicious. Will go through your recipe.

Lily Arbee